Start your journey to
pain relief

myHealthyBody is your everyday health companion for managing aches and pains. Designed to address your unique health journey, it helps strengthen your well-being every step of the way.

Our digital therapy platform is loved by everyone for a reason—real results

of members reported improved well-being

0 %

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

0 %

managed aches and pains better

0 %

*Independent analysis by a global consulting services company for a client using myHealthyBody 2022 (n=2000)

Care for yourself, on your time, in your hands


A personalized assessment to understand your pain and where you are in your health journey


Our AI-driven platform creates a personalized plan with programs and exercises designed by healthcare professionals, tailored to your unique needs and concerns


Take control of your long-term wellness, prevent costly medical expenses, and achieve lasting, holistic results


Prevent injuries before they occur. Manage pain before it worsens.

Back pain
Body ache
Muscle strain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Repetitive strain injury
Try for 30 days free

Try it now and see how it works!

Share your job role and any muscle and joint concerns

Get a personalized plan and guidance that could include self-managed exercise, referral to PT or another course of action

After the trial, continued access requires referral to your HR/Benefits Department. Follow your plan and get better and stronger, faster!