Smart Therapy
Engagement Platform
as a Service (STEPS)

Salaso STEPS is a clinically research-oriented technology platform. Using STEPS, Healthcare Providers can create, curate, deliver and orchestrate digital therapy services at scale delivering a frictionless user experience.

Intuitive user experience enhances the delivery of care

Salaso delivers a digital healthcare technology platform built for the effective and efficient delivery of therapy care plans and interventions. Its state-of-the-art design makes it easily accessible any time, anywhere and on any device.

Automated task driven notifications ensure complete visibility over patient groups

Actionable notifications make it easy for clinical users to take necessary steps directly from the notification. It may relate to joining an upcoming telehealth call, reviewing responses to questionnaires or responding to a patient-reported pain level. This capability can increase productivity and act as a friendly reminder of tasks to be done.

Clinical workflows that orient and quickly engage the clinical team in patient care

Deliver, customize and monitor clinical therapies, based on international best practice, through digital channels. With Salaso, patients are more likely to complete treatment pathways and clinical staff can spot problems early. The result is better healthcare.

Progress indicator and Wellbeing credits serve as powerful motivators

Progress indicators provide continuous feedback. Seeing your daily progress fill up and the goals achieved, provides motivation to keep going.​ Credits provide recognition, encouraging patients to engage with STEPS more regularly. They can also help to promote healthy behaviours. Earning points or reaching milestones gives patients a sense of achievement.

Deliver State-of-the-art Digital Therapy

Equip patients with Wellbeing content for a better understanding of their condition and how best to manage it. Regularly completing Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) encourages patients to take a more proactive role in managing their health. Salaso uses surveys to identify opportunities for quality improvement and assess the effectiveness of different programs.