myHealthyBody puts employees in control of their health


Promotes prevention and early detection

myHealthyBody encourages regular check-ups and health screenings. Digital therapy programs can lead to healthier employees, and healthier employees are less likely to miss work due to illness.

Self managed care

myHealthyBody lets your employees self-manage most musculoskeletal issues. Popular programs cover lower back pain, neck, shoulder and wrist pain. Using myHealthyBody’s state- of-the-art triage, employees are directed to a personalized Recovery or Prevention program. Those employees who cannot self-manage are referred to the appropriate medical resources.

Promotes healthier habits

myHealthyBody focuses on promoting healthier habits, like regular exercise and healthy eating. Over time, these healthier habits can lead to lower healthcare costs, as employees are living a healthier lifestyle.

Provides Stress Management

myHealthyBody wellbeing content includes resources for stress management. By helping employees manage stress, these programs can reduce the risk of mental health issues, which can be costly to treat.